Common Carp still an exceptionally notorious sustenance fish in some nations , and are also much sought after by anglers. The ornamental form of the common carp is widely kept in ponds.
Common Carp are also popular with anglers, and fishing lakes and reservoirs are often stocked with carp. Large carp have big appetites, however. They can harm the nearby nature by consuming their route through the aquatic plants and destroying the habitats of many other species as a result.

Feeding Habits
Common carp have small projections called barbels on each side of the mouth.These are sense organs that help the fish to locate food. Carp dig up the bottom with their jaws, searching for worms and other food. This can make the water muddy, so the barbels are vital in helping them to locate food in such conditions. Common carp are naturally bottom-feeders, and usually gather in the depths. They live in groups and may swim together, but do not form organized shoals.
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