Hagfish have no true fins and have six or eight barbels around the mouth and a single nostril.
Hagfish are marine craniates of the class Agnatha or Myxini, moreover reputed to be Hyperotreti. Some specialists respect Myxini as not having a place with the subphylum Vertebrata. That is, they are the just living beasts that have a skull but not a vertebral section.
In recent years hagfish have become of special interest for genetic analysis investigating the relationships among chordates. Their classification as Agnatha places hagfish as elementary vertebrates in between invertebrates and gnathostomes. Hagfish have lengthened, eel-like figures, and oar-like tails. They have cartilaginous skulls (in spite of the fact that the part surrounding the cerebrum is made fundamentally out of a sinewy sheath) and tooth-like structures made out of keratin. Shades hinge on the species, going from pink to blue-grey, and dark or white spots could be introduce. Eyes are straightforward eyespots, not compound eyes that can resolution pictures.
Maximize Sporadic Opportunities For Feeding
While polychaete marine worms on or close to the ocean bottom are a major cause of nourishment, hagfish can food upon and regularly even drop in and gut the figures of dead and dying/injured ocean animals much more imposing than themselves. They are known to devour their victims from the inside.

In bondage, hagfish are recognized to utilize the overhand-tie conduct "in reverse" (tail-to-head) to help them in expanding mechanical focal point to pull out hunks of substance from remains fish or cetaceans, possibly producing an opening to allow passage to the inner part of the figure cavity of greater bodies. It is to be looked for that a normal greater ocean animal could whip or outswim this sort of strike.
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