Individuals have gathered palatable oysters for thousands of years. Pearl oysters, processing valuable pearls, have a place with a divided clan that is just indirectly identified with them.
Edible, or true, oysters are bivalves (two-shelled mollusks related to clams and mussels). Like other bivalves they have no head or brain, and live quiet lives on the sea floor. They food by drawing momentums of ocean water into their forms, from which they sift out little nourishment particles.
Oysters usually live in large “oyster beds” that can cover large areas of the sea floor. People sometimes create oyster beds artificially in suitable places, so they can “farm” the oysters. Several different species of oysters are suitable for eating.
Pearly Cousins
Parts of the oyster household that produce pearls are just removed cousins of the palatable oysters. They likewise exist on the ocean depths, essentially in tropical districts. Many bivalves produce pearls of some sort, but only pearloysters produce the kinds considered really valuable. Pearls are produced when a particle such as a grain of sand becomes lodged in the pearl oyster’s body. The oyster begins to layer it with the same sparkly, hard material that it utilizes to layer the within of its shell. In time an excellent, adjusted pearl could be the outcome.
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