Monday, May 16, 2011


Rorqual whales incorporate the most substantial creature in the planet, the blue whale, as well as the gymnastic humpback whale, which is acclaimed for the guys' extended, complex tunes.

Rorquals incorporate blue whales, balance whales, sei whales,minkes, and humpback whales. Rorqual denotes “groove whale” in Norwegian. The proposed whales are named for their furrowlike throat scores, which permit them to stretch their mouth when nourishing. Rorquals have a smooth, streamlined shape,with an extensive head that takes up about one-quarter of their figure length. The lower jaw is
bowed and sticks out beyond the end of the snout.The flippers are thin and narrow in all species except the humpback whale, which has large, wavy-edged flippers at the front. A rorqual’s wide tail has a clearly visible notch in the middle.

Like all whales, rorquals have to come to the surface of the ocean to breathe air. Rorquals have a double blowhole on top of the head. As they breathe out, they create a single spout of misty air, the height and shape of which varies between species.

Great Migrations
The life cycle of rorquals is closely related to their pattern of seasonal migrations, or regular journeys. During winter, these whales mate in warmer waters nearer to the equator. Then they migrate to feeding areas in the colder oceans around the poles, where they spend three to four months feeding on plankton (tiny animal and plantlike life in the ocean) and fish. After that, rorquals journey back to the warmer waters once more, where the females give birth to one calf each time.


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