Tuesday, May 17, 2011


The swordfish is a streamlined, fast-swimming fish. As its name suggests, it also has a fearsome, long swordlike structure complete with sharp edges extending out from its snout.

The purpose of the swordfish’s elongated snout is not entirely clear. It does not seem to be used as a weapon, although occasionally there are reports ofswordfish ramming boats. In one case, the sword had penetrated the wooden hull to a depth of 22 inches. Whales have also been found with swords from these fish embedded in their blubber.Almost certainly, however, these are the result of
accidental collisions.

The swordfish has a streamlined body shape, which allows it to swim at speeds of up to 56 miles per hour. Hitting any type of obstruction at this speed would result in the sword becoming embedded and snapping off. It is much more likely that the sword is used for waving through shoals of fish, inevitably injuring some, which the swordfish can then catch more easily.

Swordfish Breeding
Swordfish tend to live on their own for most of the year. However, at the start of the breeding period they migrate to their traditional spawning grounds in the Sargasso Sea, in the North Atlantic Ocean south of  Bermuda. A single female may be accompanied by up to three males.A female swordfish may produce as many as 29 million tiny eggs, each measuring 0.04 inch across, which she scatters randomly in the water. By the time the young swordfish reach 0.4 inch in length, they already have a well-formed sword and are efficient predators of tiny planktonic creatures.


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