Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Each of the various races of trout differs throughout its wide geographical range, causing the fish to be called many different names. However, all are famed as both game and food fish.

The different races (types) of Salmo trutta are distinguished by their appearance and often also by the habitat in which they live. There is the Aral sea trout and the Amu-Darya trout, as well as the great spotted trout. The other three races are the river trout (also known as the brown trout), the lake trout, and the sea trout. The sea trout is described by a wide variety of other local names, including the
brook trout, the Orkney sea trout, and the gillaroo.

Living in Different Environments
Few fish adapt more readily to different environments than these trout, changing in appearance and habits to suit their surroundings. This is shown by the river trout that live in Lough Melvin, a lake lying between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. There is the sonaghen variety, which is heavily spotted, steely blue in color, and lives in the open area of the lake, filtering invertebrates from the water as it swims. The gillaroo has a sandy colored lower half to its body, with red spots, and lives on the western side of the lough, where it hunts bottom-dwelling invertebrates.
The third variety of river trout that has evolved to live in the lake is the ferox. It is silver or brown in color, and is highly predatory on other fish species. The river or brown trout is bred commercially in large numbers, both as a food fish and also for anglers to catch.Where conditions are ideal, and food plentiful, these trout can grow up to 39 inches, with a maximum life expectancy of around five years.

In less ideal surroundings, however, they mayonly grow to about 8 inches long. These trout are found in relatively shallow areas, often in fresh water, but they will range into brackish water (part fresh water and part sea water), and even the sea. However, they will swim back into the rivers when they are ready to spawn. They favor fast-flowing streams, where the water is well-oxygenated. They often feed by facing upstream,waiting for invertebrates and other small  creatures to be swept downstream almost directly into their mouths.


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