Monday, July 4, 2011


Looking somewhat like a large mullet or a tarpon, the milkfish has a streamlined and compressed body, large eyes, and a silvery metallic coloring.

The milkfish is exceptionally paramount in the Indo-Pacific, where it is utilized largely for nourishment, but is chiefly overlooked in North America. However, its tarpon like appearance has caused anglers to misidentify it and spend much time futilely trying to catch it on artificial lures and flies.The milkfish can reach 5 feet in length and a weight of 50 pounds and can live for 15 years. The alltackle world record is a 24-pound, 8-ounce Hawaiian fish. 

Food and feeding habits.
Milkfish larvae feed on zooplankton, whereas juveniles and adults eat bacteria, soft algae, small benthic invertebrates, and sometimes pelagic fish eggs and larvae. Milkfish spawn in shallow, brackish water, and a single fish may produce 9 million eggs. These float on the surface until they hatch, and the new larvae enter inshore waters 2 to 3 weeks after hatching. Older larvae settle in coastal wetlands during the juvenile stage, occasionally entering freshwater lakes, and older juveniles and young adults return to the sea to mature sexually.

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